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    GDSN Strategy: How to Unify Online and Offline Shopper Experiences


    Mar. 16, 2021 at 1pm ET

    Receiving more and more GDSN requests from trade partners? Sick of ad-hoc fire drills? Still working in spreadsheets? Feel like your current process is at risk due to changes from content service providers and technology companies like IBM Sterling?

    Turn your GDSN data into a strategic weapon to support stronger trade partner relations and consumer trust.

    Traditional Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) implementations basically pipe enterprise resource planning (ERP) data straight through GDSN — sometimes making a stopover in another operational system like IBM Sterling. This approach was fine in a world where GDSN data was only used to support supply chain master data.

    But it's a mistake in the modern world of ecommerce.

    Macro shifts in consumer buying trends accelerated by COVID-19 have fueled both retailers and suppliers alike to rethink how they organize and manage supply chains. With the consolidation of physical and digital operations by players like Walmart to streamline item onboarding — and the adoption and promotion of GDSN standards by Amazon to fuel their global distribution ambitions — we are now seeing these traditionally siloed worlds of supply chain and ecommerce colliding.

    The technology, people, and processes leveraging GDSN must now support or supplement both the online and offline shopper experiences.

    Join Salsify for an on-demand webinar, where we'll walk you through using GDSN for supply chain master data and as a strategic weapon to win on the digital shelf.

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