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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
    13 minute read

    What Is a Lifestyle Brand? (With Examples of Winning Strategies)

    Consumers are increasingly looking for brands that resonate with their interests and tastes. For example, aesthetics labeled “eclectic grandpa” (the name speaks for itself)...
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    Holiday Strategy 2024
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    How To Create the Best Retail Product Display for the Holidays

    While James Edgar might not be a household name today, his efforts played a major role in ensuring a certain white-bearded, jolly fellow became one. Edgar was a...
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    Ecommerce Trends
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    5 Consumer Insights on How and Why Busy Parents Buy

    Parents and guardians have very little free time — often not enough to rid the couch cushions of every rogue Cheerio, let alone enough to restock the pantry with them.
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    Holiday Strategy 2024
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    What Is the Best Ecommerce Team Structure for the Holiday Season?

    Speed is an essential factor in driving holiday sales. Why? Every single moment during the holiday shopping season is a potential sales opportunity.
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    Ecommerce Leadership and Teams
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    What Is the Best Ecommerce Team Structure?

    You want to build your brand authentically in a way that rings true to your founding mission or the problem you’re here to solve. You want to do so in a way that resonates...
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    Omnichannel Commerce Strategy
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    Better search engine optimization (SEO) = More sales.
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    Holiday Strategy 2024
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    Is Your Product Content Ready for Holiday Ecommerce? Last-Minute Checklist

    Brands must have engaging, complete, and thorough product experiences to meet holiday shopping demands.
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    Product Page Optimization
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    10 Brand Examples of Click-Driving Product Images, Videos, and More To Inspire

    Shoppers expect action-packed product pages. The majority of shoppers (76%) said that high-quality product images are “extremely” or “very” important to their decision to...
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    Digital Shelf Summit
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    Summit Spotlight: Salsify Leaders Share How To Advance to the Next Decade of the Digital Shelf

    Ten years into product experience management (PXM) on the digital shelf, brands are “the heroes and the center of the story” — but what does the next decade look like? What...
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