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    Measuring the Impact of the Digital Shelf | Whiteboard Video | Salsify

    January 3, 2018
    Measuring the Impact of the Digital Shelf | Whiteboard Video | Salsify

    If you are like most brands, ecommerce sales are a small percentage of your total sales. So how — knowing that the web is gaining eyeballs and dollars — should you scale your investment and team to ensure you get the most out of digital? Salsify Co-founder Rob Gonzalez explains how some global brands are measuring the full impact of digital shelf investments on total sales revenue.


    Amazon has become a media platform with influence beyond its own pages for many brands. It may be that digital channels influence sales across all of your channels. Brand leaders are wise to get a full picture on what is impacting sales before committing to a traditional way of investing time and money into an ad strategy.

    Tag(s): Video

    Written by: Peter Crosby

    I love starting conversations that help our customers get product content better, faster, stronger. And I have a slight obsession with the New York Times crossword.

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