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    Holiday Shopping Results Reveal What’s Next for Ecommerce [Download]

    January 27, 2022
    3 minute read
    Holiday Shopping Results Reveal What’s Next for Ecommerce [Download]

    Consumers started the 2021 holiday shopping season with new expectations. Shoppers around the world have been forced to evolve and adopt new buying behaviors at unprecedented rates, and demand for engaging omnichannel commerce experiences has never been higher.


    At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, shoppers turned to online channels and other digital shopping options like curbside pickup, same-day delivery, and buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS) out of necessity.

    And shoppers seem to have embraced these new formats.

    The U.S. Department of Commerce reported an impressive growth of 32.4% in U.S. online sales in 2020. Additionally, a 2021 consumer survey from IDC found that 58.9% of U.S. shoppers would choose to shop somewhere else if a retailer didn’t offer BOPIS — and 49.1% and 41.1% would choose another if they didn’t provide curbside pickup or same-day delivery, respectively.

    Brands and retailers must embrace digital transformation to keep up with this new state of commerce.


    Shopping Trends To Watch in 2022

    From new technology and evolving buying behaviors to shifting markets, there’s only one constant in commerce: change. Understanding how shopping trends evolve can help you quickly adapt to meet these shifts and stay ahead of the competition.

    The “2022 Holiday Shopping Post-Mortem Report” from Salsify breaks down what happened during the 2021 holiday shopping season and details what’s next for ecommerce in 2022.

    Brands and retailers need insights into rising shopping trends and guidance on the critical next steps for digital shelf success this year.

    Download this report to get everything you need to fine-tune your digital shelf strategy:

    • Cyber Week 2021 insights;
    • Global retail ecommerce sales insights;
    • Data on top-selling products across verticals;
    • Shopping trends to watch in 2022; and
    • Next steps for digital shelf growth.

    2022 Holiday Shopping Post-Mortem Report

    Download this holiday shopping ecommerce report to get a detailed breakdown of Cyber Week, rising shopping trends for the new year, and ecommerce strategy next steps.


    Written by: Salsify

    Salsify drives results for customers worldwide, empowering them to win on the digital shelf.

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