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    What does it really take to get product content market-ready?

    March 1, 2017
    2 minute read
    What does it really take to get product content market-ready?

    A majority of brands have inaccurate product content online.pngRegardless of company size or industry vertical, brand manufacturers struggle to maintain and deliver accurate product content to every channel their products are sold on. Brands face several barriers including weakness in their own internal content processes, the complexity of keeping pace with different content requirements from retail partners, and the lack of transparency, oversight and control once content goes live on a third-party site.

    It's no wonder our recent market research found that a majority of brands say their product content is inaccurate online today. Traditionally, product content has held a role buried deep within the copywriting function of a marketing team, with other information kept in inventory management, fulfillment, or any of a hundred other important but non-strategic ancillary functions related to bringing products to market.

    But in our digital-first world, shoppers are informing their buying decisions with mobile phone research and increasing reliant on the descriptions, images, and attributes that are tied to each product. Your business could be held back by fractured and manual processes around product content, which slow your time to market and impact your discoverability online.

    55% of Brands 2x.png

    To fully embrace the new reality of commerce today available, brands need to look build out consistent content processes internally as well as across the aisle to retail partners. We call that system the product experience management lifecycle, and have seen many brands transform their processes and improve their sales by putting an effective process in place to support it.

    Get started. Join us for an insightful webinar with Researcher Nasry Angel from Forrester Research, and Arthur Werner, Director of Global Ecommerce Projects for Harman International. They will discuss how Product Experience Management can help manage product content, speed time to market and increase the accuracy of brand content.


    Written by: Peter Crosby

    I love starting conversations that help our customers get product content better, faster, stronger. And I have a slight obsession with the New York Times crossword.

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