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    Salsify PXM Standard Support Availability Policy

    Here's a table showing the features included with Standard Support:

    Support Features Standard Support Premium Support Premium Plus Support
    Self-Service Access to our Online Tools
    Unlimited Support Cases
    Support Availability 9x5 24x7* 24x7*
    24x7 Critical Issues Coverage -
    Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Standard Increased Enhanced
    Live Chat -
    Prioritized Custom Readiness Reports - Up to 2/Year Up to 7/Year
    Technical Account Manager (TAM) - -
    Premium Plus Services - - 6 Hours/Month
    Qualified Support Users Up to 5 Up to 7 Up to 20

    *For Critical issues

    Features Available With Standard Support

    Self-Service Access to Online Support Tools:

    Access to our learning resources. Includes: 

    • Salsify Training Center - Build Salsify skills and learn how Salsify supports your PXM journey with self-paced training
    • Salsify Knowledge Base - Visit this page for instant access to detailed documentation on all aspects of the Salsify platform
    • Salsify Developer Hub -  Find comprehensive API and webhook guides and documentation to help you start working with Salsify as quickly as possible

    Unlimited Support Cases: 

    Take advantage of an unlimited allotment of Support Cases to utilize our Support team’s expertise to answer your questions on the platform. We are here for you in those critical moments as well as when an article or video is not enough guidance.

    Support Availability:

    Standard Support will provide technical support to Customers during the following time frame:

    Availability 9 Hours x 5 Days
    Business Hours Customer’s Local Timezone (Severity 1 - 4)

    Salsify’s Business Hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM in the Customer’s local timezone, during weekdays (Monday through Friday), excluding holidays.

    Service Level Agreements (First Reply SLAs): 

    Severity Definition Standard Support
    Severity 1 The Platform is unavailable for all users, or the Platform contains a bug that prevents Customer from executing one or more critical business processes with a significant impact and no workaround exists 1 Business Hour
    Severity 2 The Platform contains a bug that prevents a Customer from executing one or more important business processes. A workaround exists but is not optimal 4 Business Hours
    Severity 3 The Platform contains a bug that may disrupt important business processes where a workaround is available, or functionality is not imperative to Customer's business operations 24 Business Hours
    Severity 4 Non-system issues such as product functionality questions, account configuration questions, or other account requests 48 Business Hours

    Custom Readiness Report: 

    A Custom Readiness Report helps you assess the completeness and suitability of your product data for distribution, through export channels beyond our standard retailer connections and partnerships. Custom Readiness Reports are configured by Salsify upon Customer request. They are built based on specific templates and information provided by the Customer.

    For Standard Support, Custom Readiness Reports will be completed within 15 Business Days.

    Qualified Support Users: 

    Qualified Support Users are authorized Users who are entitled to submit a Case. This entitlement is based on your Support tier. Standard Support includes up to 5 Qualified Support Users.

    Support Exceptions

    Salsify Support does not include: 

    • Writing or troubleshooting any custom code of any programming language - including JavaScript, JSON, and HTML  
    • Providing support for any product issues resulting from a Customer not following use cases described in Salsify’s documentation
    • Producing, or writing net new Formulas
    • Providing assistance with any third-party services (e.g., Microsoft Office products), which a Customer accesses through, or utilizes with the Salsify Platform