
    Attention Ratio

    Attention ratio refers to the number of links a business includes on a landing or product page, compared to the number of conversion goals that business has for that page.

    What Is Attention Ratio?

    In a multifaceted, highly competitive ecommerce landscape, consumers’ attention is constantly being pulled in several different directions. Amid this noise, consumers need streamlined, focused tasks to complete purchases.

    The attention ratio is built on this premise, noting that the ideal ratio is one action per every one desired conversion. If a business wants a consumer to purchase a product via their product page, for example, they should include one button that a consumer can click to complete that purchase. 

    In this case, according to the attention ratio, the business would want to avoid including buttons for other conversions, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a report. 

    Including more than one button or link to drive different conversions can overwhelm the consumer and cause them to bounce from the page. Overall, the goal should be to focus the consumer’s attention on the main conversion you’re hoping to drive.

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