
    Affiliated Distributors & Salsify Syndication Partnership

    End-customers need product information to make great decisions. Salsify has partnered with Affiliated Distributors to help manufacturers and suppliers create, manage, and publish great content to AD members.

    Reach over 200 Distributors with one click

    Publish Your Content to AD With Ease

    Salsify makes it easy to build, manage, enrich and publish your content to AD.

    • Accelerate your Time to Market

      Speed is a competitive advantage online.  The faster you can get your content to your distributor partners, the faster those products are available to sell to your end-customers.

      This solution enables suppliers to one click publish your content directly to the AD eContent program.

      It doesn't get any faster or easier.

    • Create and Manage your Product Content (PIM)

      To sell more online, AD distributor members need better product content to put on their eCommerce site. Selling more is better for both of you.  But where is your content?  Many manufacturers like you have content spread across their ERP, spreadsheets and even print catalogs.  This may make it difficult to collect, organize, and publish to AD.  

      Success requires a balanced Product Information Management (PIM) solution. Manufacturers must standardize, centralize, and control core data while giving business teams the autonomy to manage, enrich, and optimize downstream product experiences.

      Our solution gives you the ability to centralize, manage and enrich your content with ease.

      Your one stop solution for product content - for AD
      , and beyond.

    • Publish Your Product Content With Ease

      If you have more than just a few SKUs, publishing your product content to AD members can be a complex process.

      Salsify makes it easy to manage, enrich and publishing your content to AD.

      Every product detail page (PDP) experience is different, and the requirements are constantly changing. Distributors are continually trying to edge each out and differentiate their experiences for shoppers, and they’re rapidly — without notice — changing their requirements.

      Using the right PIM solution can help simplify your product data management process. Your team can easily locate accurate data whenever you need it and quickly distribute relevant data to your partners from a single place.

    Affiliated Distributors Solution Features

    • Upload, Organize, and Manage Product Data Faster

      Build a central source of truth for all of the product data required to win on AD member sites, including product images, spec sheets, videos,  and content. Also, gain automated formatting capabilities to ensure assets will always be delivered in the optimized aspect ratio and size. Publish Content Accurately

      Deliver data to AD and other channel partners efficiently and accurately — no matter how your partners wants to receive data.

    • Publish Content Accurately

      Deliver data to AD and other channel partners efficiently and accurately — no matter how your partners wants to receive data.


    • Adapt Core Data for Any Channel Partner

      Map and transform core product data to each channel partner to ensure content stays consistent and accurate across every channel while adhering to each channel’s unique requirements and best practices.



    Salsify Product Information Management Benefits

    • Get SKUs to AD members faster and easier
    • Always up to date supply chain, marketing, and eCommerce content
    • Manage your digital assets and attachments (spec sheets, images, and video) with ease
    • Access editable product attributes, validation rules, inheritance rules, and entities
    • Send and publish your SKU content and data in one click.

    PIM Related Resources

    View All Resources

    What Is PIM? A Digital Shelf Guide | Salsify

    Read our comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about PIM.

    Read Guide

    Salsify Digital Shelf Maturity Curve Assessment

    Take our 15-question assessment for a set of results to share back to your organization, a tactical list of growth areas for your business.

    Take Assessment
    Blog Post

    The Future of PIM

    Rob Gonzalez, CMO and co-founder of Salsify, weighs in on what has changed in the last decade of PIM and what he expects to happen in the next decade.

    Read Blog

    See Salsify in Action 

    The Salsify Platform powers our network of manufacturers, brands, distributors and retailers who collaborate to build exceptional experiences that drive digital shelf success.

    Request a demo to learn how Salsify can help you transform your business and empower you to win on the digital shelf.