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Walmart Content Spec 2.0: Are You Walmart-ready for the Holidays?

Written by Joe Gaudreau | 3:08 PM on September 2, 2015

“So, Joe, can I tell you that I love you?”

It’s not too often I hear that from a customer, but it’s kind of cool when I do. And my wife is fine with it. Because this declaration of love from a Data Analyst at a major food and beverage retailer was out of relief that, with our help, he knew they could meet Walmart’s October 1st Content Spec 2.0 deadline. That they would be able to get their great product content up on in time for the holiday season. Kind of awesome, especially when the call started with “We have no idea how the heck we are going to make this happen.”

Walmart’s Content Spec 2.0 is their new product content specification designed to collect the rich product content that drives online discoverability and sales from all its suppliers. Basically, it’s Walmart saying, the richer content you deliver, the better your products will sell. That viewpoint is right on target. (whoops, I probably shouldn’t use that word.)

But as with all great initiatives, it comes with a deadline. October 1st is coming fast, as is the holiday season. So we built the new requirements right into the Salsify platform. Our customers need to reach out to their Customer Champion (like me) and we’ll get you through the process fast. In case you’re curious, here’s the 5 steps we’ll be guiding you through.

As you load your products, you've always got our Readiness Report to tell you what you need to do to get to 100%. Upload the specs as soon as they’re ready! Less mountain, more molehill-ish. 

Hence the love. If you’ve got questions about the Walmart Spec 2.0 and what it means to your organization, go to go to