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A/B Testing on The Digital Shelf | Whiteboard Video | Salsify

Written by Peter Crosby | 12:00 PM on September 17, 2018

How can you determine what content is working to drive discovery and performance and what's not? There's a lot of noise about how to perform well on X Retailer, but savvy brands need to go deeper to understand how to improve product performance across the digital shelf. A/B testing can provide insight into what will make the difference--it's important to approach A/B testing in a methodical manner.

In our latest At The Whiteboard, our Co-Founder Rob Gonzalez dives into the three factors that we've determined are the best way to A/B test on the Digital Shelf:
  • Be Specific about what you're measuring.
  • Start Small and keep experiments manageable
  • Don't be Overly Data-Driven and be reasonable empirical standards, so you can take meaningful actions.




Ready for the next steps in A/B testing? Learn more from our report on The Sales Impact of Optimized Product Content.